“Please God, ed let me win tomorrow, let me have the car”.Nujoom Alghanem’s Nearby Sky is a story about Fatima, a determined, independent woman, who in her own personal way is fighting for women everywhere. Fatima is the first female camel owner in the United Arab Emirates to enter her animals into the beauty pageant for camels. Her unexpected participation in the competition causes astonishment, scorn and mockery from others. Nevertheless, she is determined to win both her male competitors and the prejudice she faces. “My camels are my way of serving my country”, Fatima explains.
With calm, almost hypnotic pace and vivid scenery, Nearby Sky reveals the beauty of Alghanem’s homeland, beauty that is rarely seen on screen. The hot desert sand and endless blue sky become almost characters in the film. They provide suitable setting for the story of a courageous, yet sensitive woman, who loves both her camels and her country. Fatima doesn’t represent any female stereotype. She is her honest self and apologises to no one.
Aleksi Vauhkonen / Translation: Tuomo Karvonen
Language: Arabic
Subtitles: English
- Name in Original Language: Samma Qareebah
- Director: Nujoom Alghanem
- Country: United Arab Emirates
- Year: 2014
- Length: 85 min
- Age limit: S
- Format: DCP
- Cinematography: Benjamin Pritchard
- Editing: Anne de Mo
- Audio: Lama Sawaya
- Music: Marwan Abado
- Production: Khalid Albudoor / Nahar Productions
- Cinema Artis hall 1: Sunday 31.01 - 18:00